An Email Marketing Primer

Email marketing sends promotions and branded content via email to help businesses boost sales, build relationships and stay top of mind with existing and potential customers.

On average, email marketing delivers a return on investment (ROI) of $36 for every $1 spent. Small businesses can tap into top-rated email marketing tools for much less than $50 per month. You can’t run an effective email marketing campaign using a standard email service. To achieve business-building results, you need an email tool designed for email marketing or a customer relationship management (CRM) system with email features.

Email Marketing Primer: 5 ways to engage your subscribers

Here are five ways to engage your subscribers and entice them to open, read and act on your content:

  1. Make use of Email marketing tools
  2. Make a concerted effort to grow your email list.
  3. Divide your list into different categories based on the user’s intent.
  4. Keep your readers Involved at every turn
  5. Evaluate the success of your email marketing campaign

The time of day when you send your emails also impacts engagement, opens and clicks. Most experts agree that email marketing should hit inboxes at 10 a.m or 2 p.m. on business days.

A/B testing different email “from” lines, subject lines, preheaders and CTAs helps you fine-tune and pinpoint which phrasing and offers get your readers to click.

Email marketing tools generally fall into one of two categories, email-focused solutions or CRM tools with automated email marketing. Most of these options integrate with ecommerce and retail point-of-sale systems, so that’s something to check if you’re already using a sales platform. Done regularly and correctly, it can deliver a far higher ROI than social media, pay-per-click (PPC) or local media advertising.

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Categories: CRM