Tips for Selecting the Right CRM System

Research estimates that up to 70% of CRM systems fail to meet expectations. A failed CRM implementation can be extremely costly, not just in terms of the financial expense, but also because of the costs in lost time – and credibility. This means that it’s critical to select the right CRM system the first time. Once you understand your organization’s unique needs and requirements, it’s time to talk to your users. One of the biggest frustrations we hear from clients is a lack of CRM adoption by employees and other stakeholders.

To get people to buy in and use this new software, it has to provide value not only to the organization, but to the users individually.

The right CRM will have a high adoption rate

Making your users part of the process up front will also make them more likely to adopt the software later. Once you have identified a few CRM systems that meet your requirements, you can begin the vetting process to select the right CRM system for your organization. It’s essential that the CRM demonstrations allow you to make an informed decision and adequately and accurately compare systems, features and pricing. Some larger organizations may also find it beneficial to take an additional step and create a formal RFP document.

While on your research for the right CRM, keep in mind that there are consulting agencies such as Digismart that can help you deploy a fully-custom CRM built for your business.

It’s important to make sure you get all the information you need before finalizing your purchase of a CRM system. Be sure to ask open-ended questions that will help you learn not only about the software, but also about other important areas. You will want to have a formal scoping call with the provider to be able to gauge the actual cost. The final price can vary depending on a number of variables including: the number and types of licenses, modules or software needed. If the price is an issue with your system of choice, there are also options.

For instance, if the software is new to the market, you may be able to get a discount or arrange a beta test at a reduced rate. Instead of paying the entire invoice up front, you can often negotiate payment terms that are stepped over time based on key deployment steps.

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Categories: CRM