How Do You Create Your Custom-built Digital Back Office?


This is a post about what custom-built digital back offices are, and why it’s important to have one. If you’re running a business, chances are you’re also an entrepreneur. That means you have to figure out how to manage your business without wasting time on paperwork, reporting and more.

Getting all your information into one dashboard is a crucial tool for growing and scaling your sales. The best software solution you can use to run your business is a custom-built digital back office, or, if you prefer, a custom-built CRM.

There are many benefits of using a custom-built digital back office system in your business; it helps keep track of everything that happens with your customers and prospects, among other things.

But it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive if you know how to configure one properly — or even better, how to build one correctly in the first place. There are many different types of digital back office software out there, some more complex than others (or at least designed for professionals), but you can learn how to build one yourself from scratch, or you can also save time by hiring a specialized agency such as which will get you the perfect solutions made specifically for your business.

Whichever way to choose, the benefits will be worth your time and investment. That’s why you need to start by discussing your specific business needs with a professional who can help you determine which product best suits your needs.

Why? Because…

In business, sales are the lifeblood of a company.

The software can help you automate your business and streamline your life. With a CRM, your business will be more streamlined and efficient. You will be able to process all the data in a shorter time and the quality of service will be improved.

A view of your Custom-built Digital Back Office on Bitrix 24

So, which is the best CRM software?

There are a lot of digital back office solutions (AKA CRM’s) in the market today. The question is, why you should invest in one?

Investing in one CRM software at the start of your business will get you started on the right track for success. But if you don’t see immediate results, then maybe it was just a setup for failure — or maybe things are worse than we think.

CRM software gives your company a leg up on its competition by allowing you to store, organize and manage your data efficiently and effectively.

This is a simple and straightforward topic. The most important thing to remember about CRM software is that it doesn’t make marketing easier or less complicated (in fact, it makes digital marketing more complicated — but so much more efficient). You can use CRM software to your advantage to make your sales process more efficient and effective.

If you’re running a small business, then take a look at the various solutions (from Bitrix24 to Salesforce) available on the market and see which one will fit your needs best.

Once you have decided on the system that fits your business best, consider these things below:

  • How much is it going to cost? Digital Back Office software is rarely free — one notable exception being Bitrix24. You will have to pay for implementation and maintenance fees in order to enjoy its benefits. In any case, you need to decide whether or not this is something that would be worth paying for because all these costs could be saved if you were able to get an increase in sales without spending too much money.
  • Do you need access control? When setting up your system with an expensive CRM software, it’s vital that you think about the level of access controls that would be needed if your customers had full control over their data so as not to share personal information with anyone else who was authorized by them in order for them to buy from your company or broker their services with another company. Also, these controls should be applied whenever there are any changes made when setting up the system so as not to risk compromising any data stored inside!
  • Does your company already have a dedicated digital back office system? If not, then chances are good that implementing this custom-built digital back office software will require some modifications on existing systems because they usually come with certain functions already incorporated into them like e-mailing reports or tracking customer orders etc., which makes the installation process even easier than using a separate tool like QuickBooks .
  • What kind of processes do you want this new custom-built digital back office for? Once again, this depends on how big of an organization or how much time and resources you want to dedicate towards creating a comprehensive set of records pertaining to each customer who comes into contact with your company’s website and services (this also applies when implementing third party solutions like Google Analytics).
  • The right Digital Back Office software

A common misconception is that digital back office software is a rebranded version of the shelf product. In reality, custom-built digital back office software is designed to solve a specific problem: how to improve your business efficiency and better communicate and engage with your audience, be they buyers, clients, students, followers, etc…