WordPress pages or posts: Which should you use?

WordPress Pages or Posts: Which Should You Use?

The appearance and functionality of a website are customized by the website owner.
Pages and posts can be used interchangeably for any purpose, although mixing similar information between the two formats is a bad idea, one of the rookie Wordpress mistakes unworthy of any good WordPress developer.

Let’s break it down and look at the main difference between the 2:

Wordpress Pages

Page content, such as the home page, product/service pages, or about us-type information, is meant to be more “evergreen” with WordPress.

Creating a directory structure can be done by making one page the “parent” of another, and this is done by nesting pages.

Pages can’t normally take advantage of the website’s categories, tags, and authors, and they aren’t frequently included in RSS feeds.

WordPress Posts

As a blogging platform, WordPress can trace its history back to posts.

We designed posts with the intention of storing news, time-sensitive information, and other content often seen on blogs only.

Archive pages and on-site search can benefit from posts’ use of categories, tags, and authors. RSS feeds include posts.

In WordPress, authors can create a directory structure for their posts by using categories, which can be arranged in parent/child relationships, and the Permalinks settings.

One thing to keep in mind as you choose between WordPress pages or posts: is that your users and the search engines will both benefit from having pages and posts with content on your site.

You can use a combination of either WordPress Pages or posts on your website, but Elmer Boutin advises using only one type throughout the site.

Read the full article on searchengineland.com

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