Three B2B buyers shaking hands in a conference room.

A Guide To B2B Buyers in 2021

Covid-19 has permanently altered the DNA of B2B buyers. Businesses that don’t adapt quickly to meet buyers’ digital-first preferences risk unfulfilled quotas, insufficient pipelines and profits well below expectations. Organizations must acknowledge post-pandemic buying behaviors, cater to new time and attention constraints and streamline messages. Every interaction is a measured investment from a buyer accustomed…

A woman is demonstrating data-driven marketing on a monitor to a group of people.

What Is Good Data-Driven Marketing?

It is nearly impossible to prepare a successful campaign without using Big Data when it comes to marketing. Realizing the importance of data-driven marketing can be a turning point in any company’s “lifespan”. A correctly led campaign will let you discover a wide variety of data about the customer, like their preferences, hobbies, interests or…

Blockchain vendors

What to Look For in Blockchain Vendors

Publishers should seek out blockchain vendors that have been around the block(chain) for a while. Knowing which blockchain a vendor uses can help establish legitimacy, and delving deeper can uncover hidden costs. Publishers also need to be prepared to evaluate blockchain and crypto companies as advertisers. Turner Sports’ Yang Adija has been thinking about the…

Today's consumer

6 Ways to Better Market to Today’s Consumer

Marketing targeting today’s consumer requires a paradigm change away from existing techniques. The new model focuses on delivering a product or service to individuals based on how it enhances their lives and lifestyles. Consumers today have a lot more information at their disposal than they had previously. So, if you want to sell anything to…

Digital Back Office

The Fundamentals of Responsive Web Design and How it Works

The concept behind responsive web design is to create a flexible website that behaves like water filling a container or a device. Responsive web design uses programing languages (such as CSS and, in some cases, JavaScript plugins) to dynamically adapt to screen size, orientation, resolution, color capabilities, and other device attributes. These four elements are…

Nonprofit marketing trends report.

A digital shift is changing how nonprofits operate

According to the 2021 Nonprofit Trends Report by, the issues that were of greatest ongoing concern for global nonprofit employees included: Controlling expenses Adapting to remote/virtual programs Hosting in-person events Implementing new technology tools and solutions Hosting, creating content, and promoting virtual/online events Retaining volunteers Changing the size of the organization to meet increased…

A group of people interacting with a mobile phone, reflecting marketing trends.

Marketing Trends 2022 For Business Owners

Marketing trends are  critical in staying relevant in the online marketplace. When it comes to e-commerce marketing strategy, this year has seen a lot of progress. Though not every trendy marketing approach will work with every online business (and some trends are classics making a comeback), sellers of all skill levels may benefit from researching…

WhatsApp Business

Catalogs make WhatsApp Business shoppable

Catalogs is a new WhatsApp Business feature that makes it possible to display (and sell) your offer on Social Media You can now generate catalogs of your products and services on WhatsApp and distribute them to your contacts without having to mail them individually. According to a recent Facebook poll, 30% of Latin Americans anticipate…

A digital marketing diagram with icons illustrating SEO marketing and search engine optimization.

Digital Marketing 3.0 – Great For Sales ?

Digital Marketing 3.0 (the future of digital marketing) is exciting — it is innovative, progressive, and, most importantly, customer-focused. As we say goodbye to cookies and move beyond last click attribution, digital marketing as we know it is evolving into something entirely new. Will this spell the end of individualized, tailored marketing? Certainly not. Will…