lower your digital marketing spend

5 Tips To Reduce Your Digital Marketing Spend

As a small business, it’s important to spend your marketing dollars wisely. Here are 5 tips to help reduce your digital marketing spend without compromising your results. 1. Create your content in-house There are a lot of pros and cons to creating your content in-house. In-house content creation can help you maintain a consistent voice…

Outdated Website

Why An Outdated Website Will Hurt Your Business

Having an outdated website can be very harmful to your business. It can cause your website to load slowly, frustrating your visitors and causing them to leave without even learning about your company’s products or services. It can also hurt your ranking in search engines. Do You Have an Old Website? Perhaps your web developer…

Small Businesses Can Boos Their Digital Marketing

4 Easy Ways Small Businesses Can Boost Their Digital Marketing

For small businesses, the days of relying on traditional methods, like sales pitches and ads in traditional media outlets are coming to an end. The content that you publish online is essential in earning website traffic, gaining potential customers, and overall visibility in today’s digital landscape. It All Starts With Google 1. Even for small…

The Creator Economy

What’s the Fuss About the Creator Economy?

It’s been a decade since the term “creator economy” first appeared. And yet, it has only recently become a common phrase. According to one survey, the number of people who use social media platforms to monetize their audience is believed to be around 50 million people. The creator economy is now worth $104 billion when…

Blockchain For Small Businesses

Is the blockchain for small businesses? And can your company use it today? At its foundation, blockchain is about trust. In a commercial transaction, trust between the participants is essential for the transaction to run well. When a transaction is recorded on the blockchain, there is no way to edit the data without a record…

Three B2B buyers shaking hands in a conference room.

A Guide To B2B Buyers in 2021

Covid-19 has permanently altered the DNA of B2B buyers. Businesses that don’t adapt quickly to meet buyers’ digital-first preferences risk unfulfilled quotas, insufficient pipelines and profits well below expectations. Organizations must acknowledge post-pandemic buying behaviors, cater to new time and attention constraints and streamline messages. Every interaction is a measured investment from a buyer accustomed…

A woman is demonstrating data-driven marketing on a monitor to a group of people.

What Is Good Data-Driven Marketing?

It is nearly impossible to prepare a successful campaign without using Big Data when it comes to marketing. Realizing the importance of data-driven marketing can be a turning point in any company’s “lifespan”. A correctly led campaign will let you discover a wide variety of data about the customer, like their preferences, hobbies, interests or…