Email Marketing Primer

An Email Marketing Primer

Email marketing sends promotions and branded content via email to help businesses boost sales, build relationships and stay top of mind with existing and potential customers. On average, email marketing delivers a return on investment (ROI) of $36 for every $1 spent. Small businesses can tap into top-rated email marketing tools for much less than…

CRM 101: Why You Need One and How to Choose One

CRM 101: Why You Need One and How to Choose One

In order to scale with your business, you’ll need a cloud-based CRM solution that can scale with you. That’s CRM 101. It’s also even e-commerce 101. That will keep you from doing the same thing over and over again. Using a customer relationship management solution can be of benefit in this situationSoftware-as-a-a-service (SaaS) business applications…

WordPress pages or posts: Which should you use?

WordPress Pages or Posts: Which Should You Use?

The appearance and functionality of a website are customized by the website owner.Pages and posts can be used interchangeably for any purpose, although mixing similar information between the two formats is a bad idea, one of the rookie Wordpress mistakes unworthy of any good WordPress developer. Let’s break it down and look at the main…

Top Eight Mistakes Your Developer Should Avoid When Creating A WordPress Website

The Eight Biggest Mistakes Your WordPress Developer Must Avoid

Before you entrust your WordPress website development to a developer or agency, make sure they will not be making these 8 rookie mistakes, writes Marius Vetrici, Ph.D. He’s right. Here’s the TLDR: Not adhering to coding standards: Your website will function properly if your developer adheres to the most recent coding architecture guidelines. This makes…

Top 10 Must-Have CRM Features

Top 10 Must-Have CRM Features

Small businesses can choose from a wide range of customer relationship management (CRM) solutions. One way to make sure you get the right CRM for your business is to make sure it includes these must-have CRM features. You need to make sure that your CRM goes beyond collecting and reporting on customer data. However, for…

Zendesk Relate - how conversational CRM is changing the hotel experience

How Conversational CRM Is Changing The Hotel Experience

By completely reimagining the guest experience, Mollie’s Motel, a new brand being launched in the UK by members’ club organization Soho House, proves that anything is possible. When you arrive at the property, it instantly detects your phone, checks you in, and connects you to the wi-fi network. Netflix and Spotify are automatically set up…

CRMs to help you run your business

CRMs to help you run your business

Success in your company isn’t determined by your choice of accounting software, recruiting procedures, or the layout of your office; it is determined by how well you interact with your clients. Plain and simple. The year is 2022, and your company needs a better approach to handle customer relations. Why? Because today, more than ever,…